
Research Article

Severe Atopic Dermatitis Treated by Wet Wrapping: An Observation at the Dermatology Hospital of Bamako (Mali)

Traoré Bekaye*, Koné Djénéba, Kanouté Abdoulaye, Samaké Aissata, Guido Binta, Cissé Lamissa, Simpara Bakary, Diakité Mamoudou, Dicko Adama Aguissa and Faye Ousmane

Published: 25 June, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 040-043

Introduction: Wet wrapping is a local care technique adapted to the treatment of severe forms of eczema. It is a good alternative for AD resistant to the usual local treatments. We report a case. 
Observation: A 5-month-old infant, with a personal history of allergic rhinitis has been seen in a dermatological for diffuse skin eruption and pruritus evolving in flare-ups since 4 months, without improvement after several courses of dermocorticoids, anti-H1, and emollient from several doctors. Clinical examination revealed erythematous plaques surmounted by vesicles with a crumbled border located on the convexities and extension face of the limbs and in the folds behind the ears and diffuse skin xerosis. The examination of the other devices was unremarkable. The evaluated SCORAD was 59.8. We carried out the treatment by the wet wrapping technique, a clear regression of the cutaneous lesions and pruritus with the decrease of the SCORAD from 59.8 to 8.8 in 1 month of treatment. 
Discussion: This observation further illustrates the effectiveness of the Wet wrapping technique in the management of recalcitrant atopic dermatitis. In resource-poor countries, Wet wrapping may be an alternative for recalcitrant forms of atopic dermatitis. For fostering critical nurse observation as a source of research topics, we propose four strategies. First, cultivating awareness through a culture of evidence-based practice and critical reflection on common practice. Second, stimulating persistence in addressing moral dilemmas concerning better care despite resistance. Third, facilitating interprofessional learning in an open culture, where diverse perspectives are valued, and it is psychologically safe to bring them in. Fourth, overcoming funding disparities and facilitating nurse-led research, acknowledging the underrepresentation of nurses in funding agencies. 
These measures aim to empower nurses to observe critically, use their unique perspectives, and bring in research topics.

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Severe atopic dermatitis; Wet wrapping; Bamako


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