
Research Article

Postgraduate students’ perception of the educational environment of a wet lab training in Neurological Surgery Division, UCH, Ibadan

Malomo Adefolarin O*, Kafayat Bolaji Aminu, Adeolu Augustine A, Adeleye Amos O, Balogun James A, Badejo Oluwakemi A, Shokunbi Mathew T and Jegede Ayodele S

Published: 12 December, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 064-069

Objective: The importance of understanding the perceptions of medical students to their training environment cannot be overemphasized. The study evaluated the wet lab training organized for Senior Registrars in the Neurosurgery, Division of the University College Hospital, Ibadan.

Aim: The purpose of this study is to assess the experiences of postgraduate students during wet-lab training with the aim of improving the course content and introducing evidence-based and student-centered changes.

Methodology: The study made use of a cross-sectional design and data were collected using the qualitative research approach. Information was elicited from all the Senior Registrars who participated in the training through in-depth interviews.

Result: All the postgraduate students who participated in the training were satisfied with the course content and the method of delivery appropriated during the training. They also found it relevant to their practice. However, certain shortcomings were observed such as high cost of training, poor standard of equipment/tools, tight work schedule and short training duration.

Conclusion: Hands-on training plays an important role in enhancing the quality of care and high performance in health-care service delivery. The shortcomings and suggestions for improving future trainings as reported by the residents should be addressed in order to maximize the gains of the hands-on training experience

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Wet lab training; Neurosurgery; University College Hospital; Medical education; Training environment


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