
Mini Review

Nurse as a court expert in Poland

Ryszard Szozda*

Published: 14 December, 2020 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 045-046

The nurse in Poland may have a secondary level of education (secondary school or post-secondary) or high level (BSc and MSc). She can have a specialization of one the parts of medicine. After the MSc studies she can take the doctor’s degree. But we must take as a fact that with the high level of education and specialization she can be the Court Expert i.e. in nursing anesthesiology, intensive therapy, nursing first aid, palliative medicine as well as in many other cases. As about nursing we should remember that woman and man can practice this specific profession [1].

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  1. The Act of 15th July 2011 on the professions of nurse and midwife, Act. 2011 no 174 pos. 1039 with further changes
  2. Zawadzki D, Rej-Kietla A. Medical emergency rescuer, medical emergency system nurse a court expert in the field of medical rescue. Polish Nursing. 2019; 73.
  3. The Act of 21 July 2001 - law on the System of Common Courts, Act. 2001 no 98 pos. 1070 with further changes.
  4. Ordinance of the Minister of Justice of 24th January 2005 on court experts. Ordinance. 2005 no. 15 pos. 133.
  5. The Act of November 17, 1964 - Code of Civil Procedure, Act. 1964 no. 43 pos. 296 with further changes.
  6. The Act of 6 June 1997 - Code of Criminal Procedure, The Act. 1997 no. 89 pos. 555 with further changes.
  7. Bochentyn A.: Expert evodence in jurisdictional administrative proceedings. Wolters Kluwer. Warsaw, 2020.
  8. Flaga - Gieruszyñska K (ed.): Expert in civil and criminal proceedings. C.H.Beck, 2017.
  9. Lewandowski B. (ed.): The position of an expert in the Polish legal system. Ordo Iuris Institute, Warsaw 2016.
  10. Powszek A, Powszek W. Ïn order that the experts will be skillfull. part 1. Difin S.A. Warsaw, 2019.

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